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The 369 manifestation method is becoming more and more popular. It has popped up on my TikTok for you page where the TikToks share 369 manifestation method examples and I bet a lot of you have seen glimpses of it too.
I wanted to talk about the 369 manifestation method as it is one of my favourites! All it is is manifesting something with the power of your mind. Whether that be good school grades or a new job promotion.
A bit of background about the 369 method: Nikola Tesla is a scientist who loves numbers and created this method. The method is also known as the Divine Code 3-6-9. Below is a quote that I think best explains the reasoning behind this method:
“Why the numbers 3–6–9, though? The synchronicity of these particular numbers are in direct correlation with the Universe. The number three is significant because is it the direct link to Source/Universe. Six represents the deepest strength we have within ourselves. Nine is in accordance with moving on from the past, and helps release any feelings of self-doubt or negativity.”
RECENT POST: What does it mean to manifest something?

369 manifestation method steps
I think it is important that we go through the steps of how to use this technique before we jump into understanding some examples:
One of the most important things you need to do is really feel what you’re saying and believe in it. You need to have faith and trust every single word you say. So what you manifest needs to have meaning and feelings behind it.
Step 1:
The first thing you are going to be doing is coming up with a phrase that correlates to a goal or dream that you want to achieve.
This phrase needs to include how you will feel when you achieve it.
Step 2:
When you have thought of your phrase, every morning you are going to write it down three times. it also helps if you speak it out loud three times and make sure you mean it when you say it. You need to put your full concentrate into what you are saying and only think of that one goal.
Do not get distracted.
You need to hold this idea for around 17 seconds. When you think about something for this amount of time it starts to draw similar thoughts and it keeps you on track.
Step 3:
Following on through the day, your mind will naturally stray from your phrase and thoughts. So what you need to do is refocus and bring your mind back around to your main phrase. Bring back your morning thoughts by writing the phrase down, but 6 times.
Take your time and do not rush this exercise or you will interrupt your trail of thought.
Step 4:
When it comes to the evening, it comes as no surprise that you need to now write down your phrase but 9 times. Again, it is a good idea if you say the phrase out loud.
You can do this method as many times as you like. It is a good idea to focus on one goal at a time so that you can put all of your energy into one thing. But of course it is up to you.
Top Tip: If you have a busy day then just set alarms throughout the day so that you can remember. As writing down your phrase will not take long at all, so you should always manage to fit it into your day somehow.
369 manifestation method examples
Here are some examples if you are struggling with forming a phrase. A good idea is to write down the phrase as if you have already completed it:
- I am feeling happy and grateful that I have achieved three As in my A levels.
- I am loving my new job as a teacher, and I am so happy that I get to do a job that I love.
- My blog has hit over 10,000 views a month and I cannot wait to keep on succeeding.
- I am happy, healthy, and I have all of my family and friends around me.
- I went for the job promotion I was offered, and I was successful in achieving it, I feel extremely grateful.

Other examples of manifestation methods
The 369 method is one of my preferred methods because it doesn’t take up too much time or require much understanding. You can really take it and run with it. There are so many different methods, some methods work better for other people.
If you are new to manifestation then it may be worth trying out a few easier and less time-consuming methods to start off with.
I created a blog post including the top 10 manifestation methods that I like, of various difficulties so you will be sure to find one you like:
10 Successful Manifestation Methods: How do they work?
FAQ on the 369 manifestation method:
Yes! As long as you put all of your efforts into it then you can. The only thing is, you can not manifest something without putting the work in.
For example, if you want to get good grades in your exams it doesn’t mean you can stop trying because you are manifesting it. Hard work and manifestation go hand in hand.
Try not to get the 333 method and the 369 method mixed up. The 333 method is a slightly shorter version of the 555 method. I speak about this in the post here: 10 Successful Manifestation Methods: How do they work?
The 333 method is a lot more time-consuming and is spread over 3 days.
It is different for everybody. It does depend on your goals and if you do not believe then it is less likely to work. However, the universe has no limits so you cannot put a time on it.
As long as you are using the 17-second rule, then the 369 method should take on average a month and a half, so between 30 and 50 days. Make sure you are witing your affirmations for 17 seconds 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times before you go to bed… and keep believing!
Yes! As long as you are following all the 369 manifestation steps above, and writing your affirmations down at the three separate times of day then it does not matter if you write it down on paper or if you type it out in your notes on your phone. Make sure you read the 369 method examples to get a better idea of some affirmations.
Final Thoughts on manifestation
Manifesting is all about belief. I know so many people who struggle to understand manifestation. This is completely normal because I felt that way too!
Positive thoughts radiate positive energy, and that’s what you need to succeed in life. The 369 method is a great way to slowly introduce 369 manifestation into your life. It takes a few minutes at 3 points in the day and that is all so it is worth a try!
So why not give manifestation a go, I would love to know if you have tried out any other methods!
About the Author
Thank you for reading my post. If you want to find out more, check out my about me page. My name is Amber Page and I run The Unpredicted Page. You can find me over on:
I’ve never tried manifesting but this post has definitely helped me to understand it a bit more so thank you!
Katy | http://www.katystephenson.com | http://www.thegrownupsclub.com
Never heard of the 369 manifestation method but I would love to try it! It keeps me motivated and in control of my actions because I vocalize it. Manifest it but also put in the work, yes! Thanks for sharing, super helpful!
Question!? I’m new to this and I got a journal to do the369 method and it’s for a month, month in a half. Am I going to be writing the same manifestation every single day? For a month or so? Or coming up with a new manifestation each day?
Thank you
It is completely up to you! You can write a couple of affirmations and keep to those few or you can only focus on one at a time!
There is definitely something here than everyone can tap into; manifestation is something I think a lot of people are coming around to. This was really helpful, I have to make some more space for using it in my day-to-day. Thanks for sharing!
This is a wonderfully informative post. My son and I recently studied Nikola Tesla. His story is so inspiring. This method of manifestation must be why he never quit. I truly believe in focusing and setting goals on what you want in life.
Oooh I really want to get into manifestation this year and this has really helped! Thanks for an amazing post Amber!
I have heard of this manifestation. After reading this post, I need to try it. I am way looking for different manifestation techniques. Thank you for sharing.
may i know i only need to do 1 affirmation a day? or i can write 2-3 affirmation a day & repeat for 369 method? sorry i’m a newbie
may i know i only need to do 1 affirmation a day? or i can write 2-3 affirmation a day & repeat for 369 method? sorry i’m a newbie
You can do as many affirmations you want per day! I normally do 3 a day and repeat!
i really want to work for a specific company, but im open to other jobs that are high paying aswel how do i form my 369 affirmation?