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Have you ever heard about the idea of manifestation but never really understood it? Now is the time to check out these 10 manifestation methods and how they work!
I have recently discovered the world of Law of Attraction and Manifestation and let me tell you… it is incredible. I promise you it is worth a try. It completely puts a more positive spin on they way you think about life.
What is manifestation?
“A manifestation is the public display of emotion or feeling, or something theoretical made real. Manifestation’s origins are in religion and spirituality because if something spiritual becomes real, it is said to be a manifestation. The word’s usage has spread to include all aspects of life.”
In basic terms, you can manifest something that you want to happen in the future. There are multiple manifestation techniques so you have to try out different ones to see which one you have the most success with.
Understanding the Law of attraction
Anyone of any age can give it a go. The law of attraction is all about positivity and attracting success in our lives. Many people refuse to believe in it, but that is because they don’t fully understand it.
“Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.”
The Law of Attraction .com
There are multiple ways we can do this, and one of them is by manifesting. Finding out how to effectively apply these methods will honestly change your outlook on life.
Is the law of attraction real?
The Law of Attraction is as real as you want it to be. If you believe it and put the effort in then you will get somewhere with it.
“The most challenging part of acknowledging and accepting the truth of what the Law of Attraction has to offer is coming to the realization that every single one of your decisions in life, good and bad, have been shaped by you alone.”
The Law of Attraction .com

What is the purpose of manifestation?
Manifestation is using your own thoughts and wishes to turn it into a reality and make it what you want.
This gives manifestation a massive purpose. You can design your life exactly how you want it to go and you make it happen.
You can discover so much about yourself and what you want to achieve by manifesting.
Does manifestation work?
Manifestation is very much down to you. No one else can tell you want you need to do and how you need to do it. It will only work if you put your all into it.
Belief is key, if you do not believe what you are doing will work, then there is no hope.
Manifestation DOES NOT replace the effort you still need to put in
Manifesting something just guides you on your way. For example, if you are trying to achieve a certain goal and you want to manifest it, then you still have to try. Eg. if you have exams and you manifest the top grade it doesn’t mean you can stop revising for it.

Manifestation methods:
Gratitude Journaling
Gratitude journaling is the idea that you can use a journal to write down everything you are grateful for. This is one of the best ways to get you in a positive mood and keep your self in that place. When you appreciate life more you will be surrounded by positivity.
These positive thoughts are better if they are less generalised. Make it specific, think about the people and objects around you.
It is ideal to write in your journal in the morning so that you start the day on a positive.
If you need help with starting a bullet journal, then check out my post: How to start a bullet journal for beginners.
Benefits of gratitude journaling:
You will be able to form a greater connection with others as you will appreciate the people around you.
It will give you a clearer vision of what you want in the future. Think about the opportunities you have been given and use these to figure out what you want to do in the future.

Dimension Jumping
Now I know that Dimension jumping sounds like a bit of a crazy thing to believe in but hear me out.
The idea is that in your head you can jump into a dimension where everything you have dreamed of is true. A place where you are living your best life.
It is believed that there are multiple different dimensions with different versions of your self in these dimensions. All you need to do is make those dimensions a reality.
How to manifest using Dimension Jumping:
You need to think about what’s stopping your progress in your life or what’s hindering your happiness. Now use this to think what an ideal life for you would be. For example, if you are unhappy in the place you’re living in, picture a place where you do want to live.
There are a few different methods you can use to do this:
“One, described as the “mirror method”, involves someone sitting in darkness and staring at their reflection in the mirror. Another, the “two glass method”, involves emptying water from a full glass into an empty one, symbolically “emptying” your life of what you don’t want and “filling” it with what you do.”
Two Cups method:
Another popular method is the Two Cups method. This is a type of way to dimension jump:
Step 1 : Grab two post it notes, on one write down where you are in life now, on the other, write down what you want to change. For example, if you want to jump dimension to one where you have a more fulfilling job, then write this down.
Step 2: Take a cup (anything you have in your house, and stick your current situation on it and fill it with water.
Step 3: Grab a second cup and stick on your esired changes.
Step 4: Slowly pour the water from the first cup into the second cup and get in the right mindset, understand what you are doing.
Step 5: Drink the water, this acts as the new dimension you wish to be in.
Step 6: Removed and throw away the paper and wash and put back the cups.
REMEMBER: This technique only helps you along the way, you still have to put in the effort.
Vision Board
Vision boards are a great place to start. A lot of people use this method without even realising what they are doing.
You can create a vision board online on a laptop or your phone, or it can be done physically on paper.
A vision board is a place where you include all of your ‘visions’, thoughts and feelings about where you want to be in the future. This can include text or images. Single words are usually used instead of long sentences.
Pinterest is a great way to create a vision board. Pinterest already has ‘boards’, so all you need to do is find the images that represent your ideas and place these pins all onto that one board.
Pinterest is a great place to manifest your dream wedding or something as simple as your fashion sense and what you want yourself to dress like.

If you wanted your board to be physical then you can grab a big piece of paper and get creative. You can either print off things you want to include and the pictures that share the wishes you have, or you can use photos from places like magazines.
When you start to think about your vision board, make sure you take a minute to properly think through that this vision is the right one for you, you can also strategically place the content onto the paper. For example, in the order of how you want to achieve things.
Positive affirmations are a great way to bring belief and positivity to your day. These are positive statements that you need to say to yourself every morning.
The more you tell yourself these affirmations, the more you can trick yourself into believing they are true. You soon turn these affirmations into reality.
Here are some examples of Affirmations for success:
- I am feeling motivated today
- I have all the resources I need to be successful
- I am excited to take on new challenges
- I make good decisions based on my future
- Every day, I am getting closer to my goals
- My ability is unlimited
- I always do things to the best of my ability
- I believe I can do anything I want
- I am the controller of my life
- I can change anything I want in life
369 manifestation method
The original method came from Nikola Tesla. He is a scientist who loves numbers.
“Why the numbers 3–6–9, though? The synchronicity of these particular numbers are in direct correlation with the Universe. The number three is significant because is it the direct link to Source/Universe. Six represents the deepest strength we have within ourselves. Nine is in accordance with moving on from the past, and helps release any feelings of self-doubt or negativity.”
Step 1: Instead of thinking something such as ‘I want an A on my exam’, think it in a different way: ‘I want to do really well on this exam which will make me feel so proud of myself and I will be able to use it to go far in like’. Think about how you will feel when you succeed in this idea.
So what you need to do is write this idea down every morning three times, without any distraction. What you write down needs to be 17 seconds long. These 17 seconds should be full of positive thoughts.
When you think about something for a certain period of time, it starts to draw more similar thoughts into your mind. This method required being more open-minded.
“When you hold a thought for 17 seconds, that thought is going to gain momentum.”
Choosing Gratitude
Step 2: In the afternoon of each day, our minds tend to stray, so the idea is that we bring back our positive morning thoughts. Now is the time to write down the same sentence but 6 times.
This is meant to keep your positive thoughts and energy going throughout the day. Make sure you don’t ever rush any of these thoughts as it will interrupt the process. It is a good idea to read the sentences out loud after you have written them down.
Step 3: As you guessed, step 3 is writing down that idea/ thought 9 times before you go to bed. Again, read them out loud and mean it. This will help clear your mind and focus on what you want right before you fall asleep.
When you use the 369 method you are bringing positive energy all day, you are making yourself speak your thoughts into reality. The good thing is you can easily use this manifestation method in day to day life. It takes up hardly any of your time, but it is one of the most effective methods that I really recommend trying!
Visualisation is where you create pictures in your mind, like when your dreams feel almost real, the idea is these pictures will become reality. This is one of the most successful methods.
Everything in life can become a reality if you keep it at the front of your mind.
When you picture something in your head it almost programs your brain to see exactly what you need to achieve this picture.
A great way to visualise is to create a a photograph with you in it and make it a perfect picture of what you want.
Visualisation is great because it only needs a few minutes a day.
‘Mental Rehearsal’ Technique
This takes 3 different steps:
STEP 1: Imagine sitting in a movie theatre, the lights dim, and then the movie starts. It is a movie of you doing perfectly whatever it is that you want to do better. See as much detail as you can create, including your clothing, the expression on your face, small body movements, the environment and any other people that might be around.
Jack Canfield
STEP 2: Pretend you are now opening a door and walking into the movie. Experience the whole thing as if it’s happening right now to you. Listen to the sounds and the thoughts you are having.
STEP 3: Walk back out of the screen. Squeeze the move screen up and bring it all into your mind. You are now that image.
Letters from the future
If manifestation is all a bit overwhelming to you, then this is a good method to try. All you have to do is write a letter to the universe as if the idea you have of your future has already happened.
For example, if you want to work for a new car in the future, then write the letter starting with ‘Dear Universe.. Thank you for the new car, I love it, I use it to go to work in…’.
The more times you read this letter, you more times you will trick your brain into thinking it has already happened.
You are creating the future for yourself.
This method is super similar to Letter form the future.
You could also write this future letter to yourself. So this letter is from your future self to you now. Usually, when you write something down it gets stuck in your mind.
“Impressing your intentions on your subconscious mind will lead you to naturally make the right decisions that will steer you to achieving that goal, that manifestation.”
A good idea is to write the date on the letter and put it a year from where you are now. Or when ever in the future you want to write from.
So for example I could write something like: ‘Dear Amber, I am having the best time in my new job right now, it is so much fun and all the staff are lovely. I get on with everyone so well’. I would then go on further to explain about my thoughts and feelings.

5×55 method
This idea is manifesting in 5 days. This system gives you structure when manifesting. It draws on ideas from the law of attraction but with a more structured approach.
For someone like me who loves a something that is done in steps this is a great method.
Some questions that might help you with setting your intention are:
1. What would you like your life to look like in 5 days?
2. What would need to change in your life to achieve this?
3. How would you feel if this change manifested in 5 days time?
Through the Phases
Create 5 affirmations after you have come up with your intentions.
The next thing you need to do is write down your 5 affirmations 55 times for 5 days.
Of course, again you should not rush these steps. You need to complete all the steps and it is important you don’t miss a day.
After the 5 days, you need to detach and let the universe do what it needs to do. Watch out for signs after you have completed the 5 days.
Pick a time that feels right to you when you write down the affirmations, whether this be when you wake up in the morning or in the afternoon.
Manifestation Tips to stay positive:
Keep fit and healthy
Make sure you keep up with your exercise. The best thing to do is regularly go for walks. A great way to keep on top of this is to invest in some lovely gym/ walking wear. I have been loving my Fabletics pieces at the moment. I have 3 sets now and I love them all!
Look after yourself
Keep up to date on your self-care routine. Not only do you need to look after your body, but you need to look after your skin. I am currently using some products from Face Theory in my skincare routine, and I am loving it. I feel super fresh every day and it makes such a difference.
If you want to hear more about Facetheory you can check out this post: Facetheory Regena c20 Serum Review: Worth it?

Which manifestation methods work best?
- I have tried out many of these manifestation techniques before and I personally believe that writing letters from the future.
- Scripting is one of the easiest methods and is less time-consuming.
- Vision boards is a great place to start if you are new to all of this.
Can you do multiple manifestation methods at once?
Different methods take up different amounts of time. So I wold not recommend trying the 369 and 5×55 method at the same time. But it could be a good idea to try visions and the 5×55 method for example.
But the answer to this question is do what feels right for you.
What are the signs of manifestation?
You gut instinct makes you feel like your affirmations are very close to becoming true. You should start to notice that your wishes are slowly coming true.
Sometimes others around you send you signs or notice that you are doing well.
Your dreams sometimes help show you that you are getting close. Dreams are so exciting and it is a great idea to write them all down as you may find a pattern that shows you a sign.
How do you ask the universe for a sign?
Write a letter to the universe. Ask in your visualisation. Make sure you are being patient and practising gratitude. Positive thoughts bring positive experience.
Make sure you are thankful when you start noticing signs that you wishes are getting closer. Keeping a gratitude journal is a great way to do this and you can keep track more easily.
The universe will hear you either way, you do not have to address it every time.

Final Thoughts on Manifestation methods
These methods will only work if you believe in it. Practising gratitude is a great way to stay positive and wait for the universe to give back to you.
If you need help with how to practise gratitude, I have a post here: How to practise gratitude with Dancing and Life in 2021. Which offers a number of activities in which you can be grateful and some extra points on how to get through a crisis. I also talk through some programs offered by Dancing and Life, some free and some paid so that are definitely worth a look.
What do you think about manifesting?
I would love to know if you have tried out any of these techniques before. Do you understand how manifesting something works? Are there any more techniques that I haven’t mentioned in this post that you use?
I know a lot of people are quite sceptical on the subject, and they don’t believe it works. So I would love to know, what is your opinion on manifesting something.
About the Author
Thank you for reading my post on learning how to manifest! If you want to find out more check out my about me page. My name is Amber Page and I run The Unpredicted Page. You can find me over on:
This post is great. I have recently started manifesting. Since starting I have seen great results. Thank you for sharing these different methods.
The Law of Attraction fascinates me and it’s something I really want to read up on. I’m always been told you can do anything if you put your mind to it and I thinks thats so true. Thanks for sharing x
These are all such cool methods! I didn’t realize there are that many (I currently use affirmations so far), so I’ve bookmarked this for future reference. Thanks for sharing! x
Great post!
Every time I read about the law of attraction, I always decide that I will start manifesting from that day itself. However, that belief somehow fades away after a week or so. I think I have to put some more efforts into putting it into practice.
Great post, I have been learning a lot about the law of attraction and the Different manifestation method so this post will definitely help me decide which method is best.
I have never really believed in manifestation, until it somewhat helped me land a new job! These are all good methods to do so, thank you for sharing x
These are amazing manifestation exercises!! I love the Two Cups Method! I can’t wait to give it a try. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing this . I have realized that unconsciously i was using the vision board (pinterest) method of manifestation . now i am pretty sure to use the letters from the future method of manifestation to gain more positivity and willingness . It was great to learn these things at one place from your article.
This is so interesting! I love all the manifestation ideas, especially two cups. I’m definitely going to include this in my routines in the future xx
I love that you emphasized manifestation doesn’t replace the effort you need to put in. Indeed, the law of attraction is as real as you want it to be. If you believe things will happen and work for it, there’s no reason why it will not come true. It’s nice to learn different kinds of manifestation methods! Put me in a good mood. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Amber ♥
Thank you for sharing these great manifestation methods with us.
Every wildly successful person has a daily routine (ritual) that they have mastered over the years and brings them immense success.
Guess what? Even our ancestors knew that they had to ‘see’ in the mind, heart, spirit (etc.) before manifesting in the physical.
Of course, today, we have altered the original meaning and methods of actualizing this through religion, personal development fads, motivational speeches, cult-like activities, etc
Despite what we may call it now, it all boils down to forming a habit through consistent action for guts, grit, and gumption to produce fruit.
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” —Theodore Roosevelt
RT and shared the post.
H Emma
Grreat post. Thank you for sharing such an inspiring information.