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1. Be Present
As I’ve grown, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt in life is that the people we love aren’t always gonna be around forever. The only thing we’re left with when they’re gone is the memories we’ve been able to share with them. In saying that, remember to be present with the people you love this holiday season. Put down your phone and stop trying to capture every little moment for once. Instead, just enjoy it. It’s these little moments that always end up being the biggest memories we look back on years from now.
So go out, have fun and experience things with people, giving it your fullest attention this season. I promise you, you won’t regret living in the moment and taking off some screen time from your schedule. The best times are always the ones where you forget to look at your phone!
2. Your Family May Be Annoying, But They Still Love You
Speaking of loved ones, even though they never neglect to remind us of how much weight we’ve put on since they last saw us or that we’re still incredibly single… They’re still your family and they still love you – single and all.

The truth is, we all have these people in our families and as insensitive as they may come across, nine out of ten times they’re just trying to look out for your best interest. Their approach may not always be the best, but the intention is there, and that’s what matters. So the next time your grandmother chooses to bring up your ex’s name at the dinner table for no apparent reason at all, (and perhaps your soul may want to leave your body at this time) just remember that it is actually coming from a loving place, and let it go.
3. We’re Not Crash Dieting This Festive Season
From here on out we’re making a pledge to drop the self body-shaming this December. We all know how tempting it can be during this time of the year to give into crash diets and high workout expectations. It can feel like a lot of pressure to always look your best at every Christmas party you go to and that tends to lead to feelings of unworthiness, self-doubt and even a lack of confidence. However, trying to quickly change your appearance for the sake of impressing others is not the way to go here, remembering that you are enough is.
I know its not always the easiest thing to do around this time of the year, especially when your naturally, skinny aunt is constantly picking at your weight, but it’s true. Your true beauty and worth comes from within, not what other people tell you is ‘wrong’ with you. You have to remember to love yourself and hold yourself up high. When people see that you’re actually confident and happy with yourself, exactly the way you are, that will make you way more attractive to them than losing 5 pounds before Christmas. Your energy doesn’t lie!
4. We’re Also Not Waiting For A Text Back
Stop always checking to see if they viewed your story, stop updating your status to get their attention, and stop waiting for a text back! You’re only gonna ruin your mood on people that don’t care about you enough, to value your time. When you do this, you’re only gonna set yourself up to be an emotional wreck and not have any fun at the party while everyone else is. Why do that to yourself?
The person you’re chasing is probably having tons of fun without you and clearly not interested in getting back to you because they’re busy being focused on what’s in front of them. You should take a tip and do the same! So often we feel guilty, for not being available to people that don’t even care to be available to us when we need them. So do yourself a solid this holiday season, drop the guilt and go have fun without feeling the need to give any explanation of where you’re going and why. Just like you, they can wait!

5. You Don’t Love Him, It’s Just December
I’m kidding, but look all I’m trying to say is just give things a bit more time to play out. I know how fun it can all seem to have someone new pop up into your life and especially around the holidays. You both have a lot less commitments during this time, more days off and more time to spend with each other, but slow things down a bit and try not to rush into spending ALL of your time with this new person.
As fun as the holiday season may seem, you might also want to use this time to see how they are around other people, or whether they actually care enough about you to make time during ‘busy’ season and so on. These little things matter later on. Just remember, not to attach all of your happiness to one person so suddenly after meeting them.
6. Do NOT Bring Him Home
It’s all fun and games until you realize you don’t want him in your new year. In saying that, don’t bring him home for Christmas! The last thing you want in 2021, is your family constantly reminding you of the fling you’re trying to forget. So do yourself a favor and keep all newcomers at a distance for the time being. If he’s meant to be, he’ll stick around and you can invite him over next Christmas!
7. Let Go Of Perfection and Just Have Fun
Sometimes when we plan and expect too much for the festive season, we end up disappointing ourselves when the plans we make don’t follow through. Let go of what you can’t control and just remember to focus on the things you can.
Just have fun this holiday season and don’t try too hard to plan things out or have things be perfect all the time. It’s okay if things don’t always work out according to plan. All that matters is that you choose to put yourself out there and enjoy yourself regardless of what you can’t control! Say yes to making unfiltered memories with people, trying new experiences, places and things.

8. Remember To Put Yourself First
Moving onto more important things and by that I mean, you! Don’t forget to take time out for yourself during the festive season. There’s always so much to do, places to go and people to see during the time of the year and that can be draining for anyone. It’s important for both your mental and physical health to take a break and pull back when necessary. Don’t try to over exert and commit yourself to things. I know it may be tempting to say ‘yes’ to every fun and exciting new opportunity that comes your way, but only do what you feel comfortable doing!
Alana – Mae
About the Author
Other Christmas Posts:
Why you should still be excited for Christmas this year
I cant stress number 1 enough, I’m glad this is on the list. December is a time of both looking back and looking forward the what the future brings us, and it can really get stressful when we focus ourselves on those two things. I agree that it’s important to cherish the moment of this month while it lasts. It’s probably the most beautiful time of the year and we cant afford being too stressed about the past and the future. 😊✨ Thank youf
This is lovely, thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed my post – You can check out more on Blogging Girl Daily!
Very wise words. I love #2. We’ve all had to endure Christmas with annoying family members but you’d miss them if they weren’t there. LOL
Thanks for sharing, these are important to remember 🙂
Really like this post x Totally agree with putting yourself first <3 Also, wow do I miss my fam – I will never not be gratful for them being annoying at Christmas
Such nice reminders for the Holidays. Spreading love and being kind to yourself and others is all it matters.❤
Thank you for sharing. Something to remember over the festive period especially after this year.
Good post! I believe these are the things we must remember everyday. Not just during Christmas.
Totally agree about being present! That’s very important. Also family is love. Am grateful I get to spend Christmas with my mom specially!
This is a lovely post Amber! I definitely let go of a few things that I can be quite anal about this Christmas and I feel so much more relaxed! As for crash dieting, or any dieting… don’t even get me started lol! Hope you had a fab Xmas doll x
You’ve mentioned some really good points. I’ve definitely tried to be more present this year and I’ve really enjoyed myself.