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The question we have all been asking: Grammarly free vs premium! Is it worth it? Well let’s find out:
Grammarly is a Grammar Checker that allows you to find Grammatical errors and improve your writing. Grammarly has both free and premium versions, so which one are you going to choose?
The Grammarly-free version is great for basic mistakes like spelling or punctuation; however, it will not catch more serious problems such as subject-verb agreement. If you want more advanced grammar checking with an easy-to-use interface, then the premium package is what you need!
Grammarly premium maybe what you need if you are working with words in your day to day life. Grammarly premium may be the better option because it gives you more and better features. It also helps with your SEO! Grammarly has been a trusted name in grammar checking software since 2009, so why not take advantage of their expertise?
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What is Grammerly?
Grammarly is a Grammar Check software that can be used in many different ways. The Grammar Checker includes more than 250 rules to cover all grammar errors you can make when writing an English sentence or paragraph. With these tools combined under one roof there’s no chance of missing any of them! This means it will be as if you’re reading over every word before you publish online. You’ll have 100% peace-of-mind about what people read from start to finish.
Grammarly offers two versions of their service, the question is which one do you go for? To answer this question, let’s take a look at the features and pricing for each of the Grammarly services to see which one works best for your needs.
Who uses Grammarly?
Grammarly is used by social media managers, bloggers, students, journalists, authors, and many others who want their content to be clear, concise and error-free.
Grammarly offers a premium service for those who need more advanced features like the Grammarly Premium Grammatical Correction Engine that checks grammar in Microsoft Office files or Grammarly’s new Grammerless Spelling Checker which detects spelling errors without looking up words in an online dictionary.
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Where can you use Grammarly?
Grammarly is available on the Grammarly website. Grammarly also has browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer which you can download here: Grammarly Browser Extensions.
– The Grammarly extension provides a button in your address bar to check spelling and grammar when writing blog posts or social media content.
– You can use the tool in Microsoft Word
-You can download it through your desktop
– When it comes to checking whether an article if plagiarized, Grammarly’s web-based service includes Google search integration that checks against more than 100 instances of published English online.

Grammarly Free
What Grammarly offers for free:
Grammarly free version has a great interface, and it is easy to use.
– Grammarly free is for basic mistakes like spelling or punctuation so you won’t get flagged on subject verb agreement issues as well as more serious ones.
It is a super simple software and the free version may be all you need. If you are a student who simply needs to check any spelling errors then the free version will be perfect for you!
Pros of Grammarly Free
- Grammarly free checks your text for grammatical and spelling mistakes.
- It is easy to use
- It is free
- You can use it on most devices
Cons of Grammarly Free
- Grammarly has a limited number of features.
- Grammerly free only checks for grammatical mistakes and does not do much to help with spelling or vocabulary errors.
- Grammarly’s free version also lacks the plagiarism checker, which is a great tool that can be used by students as well as professionals who need to make sure their work is original.
Grammarly Premium
“To take full advantage of Grammarly Premium (which costs $29/month) consider upgrading your account by paying one annual fee at once ($239). You’ll have access to advanced grammar checking with an easy-to-use interface tools that will help ensure your writing projects are mistake proofed from start to finish!”
So Grammarly premium is the paid version, it includes: Grammarly Grammarian, Grammarly Premium Web App and Grammarly for Microsoft Word. The Grammatical checker is a premium feature that checks your writing in real time on the web.
The Grammar Checker includes more than 250 rules to cover all grammar errors you can make when writing an English sentence or paragraph. With these tools combined under one roof there’s no chance of missing any of them!
This means it will be as if you’re reading over every word before you publish online. You’ll have 100% peace-of-mind about what people read from start to finish – without having to go back and proofread repeatedly after publishing with other tools like Grammatik (free). Whether you need help catching grammar errors or spelling mistakes then Grammarly is the tool for you. Grammarly isn’t just powerful – it’s affordable too!
Pros of Grammarly Premium
- Grammarly premium has the added bonus of being a plagiarism checker.
- Looks at readability – how easy users will be able to read the text
- Offers vocabulary enhancement
Cons of Grammarly Premium
- The premium version is only available on desktop computers because it requires the use of a browser extension. This would make Grammarly difficult to use if one was accessing Grammarly through an app or website from another device such as a phone or tablet without first going onto their computer.
- Requires web access at all times during usage
- Lacks mobile accessibility

Grammarly FAQs:
Grammarly has two subscription plans, Grammarly Premium and Grammarly Unlimited. Grammarly’s subscriptions come with a free trial for the first month of use.
(Remember there is a Free version of grammarly!)
– Grammery is $29/month
– Grammery premium is $129 per year (12 months) or $11.25 per month
– Grammery unlimited is an indefinite plan that includes all features, but it can be cancelled at any time without penalty from your account settings **(this does not include current offers such as student discounts). The cost of this option ranges between $14-$69 depending on the purchase date and term selected by the user during sign up process.*
Grammarly does offer Grammarly Premium, but it can be quite expensive. That’s why Grammarly has a referral program that allows you to upgrade for free!
– To get started with Grammarly and earn your way up to Grammerly Premium, follow these three steps:
* Visit the home page of Grammery and register an account
* Invite friends or colleagues using the invite link in their email signature (you’ll need at least five people) so they also have access to Grammery and then click on “Refer Friends” from the left navigation menu
* Share your referrals using any social media platform like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn since this counts as one friend. For every person who signs up, you get closer to being able to upgrade.
Grammarly premium starts at $15 a month for students.
No! Using Grammarly is not cheating! Once you get more comfortable with Grammarly and start using it to check your own work, you may find yourself noticing mistakes that other grammar-checking tools don’t catch. This will take time, but by using Grammarly on every email or blog post before publishing or sending them out to clients, this could save you from embarrassment later when something does slip through undetected (especially if these are in professional contexts).
Grammarly provides an opportunity to help writers improve their writing skills without having to take any classes!
Paying for Grammarly premium may be worth it if your job requires you to write on a regular basis. Grammarly is designed for writers and editors, but the free version does not offer enough features to make the upgrade worth while. Grammarly Premium’s cost ranges from $29-$95 per year depending on your plan, so this can add up over time when taking into consideration freelance writing or other work that pays by word count or page view.
If you are looking for a simple tool to check grammar, spellings and punctuation before publishing posts online Grammarcheck will do just fine! It even has an app available in Chrome Store, which makes grammar checking much easier than ever before with our smartphones everywhere!
Final Thoughts: Grammarly free vs premium
Grammarly is an amazing tool that I recommend to everyone who writes for a living. Grammarly offers both free and premium versions of the service, so you can choose which one best fits your needs. It doesn’t just catch grammar mistakes, it also gives recommendations on how to improve what you’ve written with its unique Grammar Assistant feature. Grammerly’s Premium version will give you suggested edits in addition to corrections as well as article suggestions based on similar content in their library, saving time digging around the web for good sources and information (which most writers know can be difficult). Definitely worth checking out!
Grammarly free vs Grammarly premium is a question that many people have asked. Even though Grammarly Free can be used for personal use, Grammarly Premium has some features which might make it worth the money so choose wisely!
About the Author
Thank you so much for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed it! My name is Amber Page and I run The Unpredicted Page. If you want to find out more, check out my about me page. Please connect with me on my socials, I love a chat 🙂 You can find me over on:
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I’ve been using Grammarly for almost a year now and it has helped me correct all those silly errors! I use the free version but would still recommend to anyone x
I have been using grammarly for two years now. I love it. I don’t know what I would do without it.
I love this article! Personally, I used Grammarly free for my blogs, school work, etc. And yes, I get disappointed with the limited features in the free one esp when I really want my work to be formal and free of mistakes. But I don’t have enough money to subscribe to a premium one so I gotta stick with the free version haha. Thanks for sharing! Love to know more about Grammarly.
I use the free version of Grammarly & it is helpful even though the features are limited. As of now, the free version is enough for me.
I love using Grammarly. I have been using it for years now. I first started using it in university. Thank you for sharing this post.
I’ve never actually used Grammarly before but after reading this and the comments as well I’m definitely going to download the free version to try it out!
It is deffo worth trying out, I have tried different versions of grammar checkers and this one is the best!