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Before actually starting university, everyone has their own view of how it will be. Some may even envision it being like what they show on television. You never know what you’re going to experience or what to expect until you finally go. I graduated from university two years ago, and university certainly was not what I thought it would be. While every university is different, and every student experience is different, I decided to share some of the things you can expect to possibly happen while you’re in university. If you’re currently in university then maybe you have dealt with or witnessed some of these things yourself. If you are not in university yet, but you will be starting, then you’re getting a little insight on what is to possibly come when you enter those academic halls into adulthood.
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5 Things To Expect While You’re In University: Overview
- Events with T-shirt prizes
- You’ll become a master walker
- Expect lecturers NOT to hassle you
- Group work, group work, and more group work
- Resources will be all around you
1. Events with T-shirt prizes
I didn’t go to many school events…barely any now that I think about it, but I can bet you that I know what the prize was for events that had prizes or gifts. T-shirts. Listen, I don’t know how every university is, but mine advertised t-shirts as if they were equivalent to cash. To be fair, no one can have too many t-shirts can they? I know I rack them up because I love to sleep in them, so I guess it’s not too bad.
I will also add in that, if you are not an event person in general, I would try to branch out and go to a few. As I said in the beginning, I didn’t go to any events and if I did then it was only one or two. I’m talking about during my entire four years I was in college. That is definitely something that I regret not doing. Although not every event is necessary or fun and can be passed, find ones you like, whether there is a prize or not. It is a great way to make some friends and just become a little active in your school if you don’t do anything else.
2. You’ll become a master walker
Expect to become a master walker because walking to those classes are no joke! My school had so many hills, elevation, and stairs that I almost died on the daily. I am not a fitness queen whatsoever and was not used to having to walk long distances between classes. My school wasn’t the biggest so I didn’t have to walk as far as some people who attend colleges with a huge campus, but they were far enough. If you are like me and you’re not a pro walker or not fit in the slightest, then get your walking shoes and your water ready! You also might want to get to campus early if you are commuting because it could take some time.
3. Expect lecturers NOT to hassle you
You are officially grown now. We are all adults in this uni world and the lecturers will be treating you as such. I can’t speak for all lecturers, but I know a lot of them do not have time to worry about small stuff if it doesn’t involve teaching, their assignments, etc. For example, If you have to go to the bathroom, take a call or anything like that, then you can go right ahead. When I was in school it blew my mind that didn’t have to ask to go. Now after being used to it, it blows my mind that we are even held from simple things such as that. You should not have to ask to go, and you certainly should not worry about being denied. Well, worry no longer. You can freely go as you please (just be kind and don’t interrupt the class). It is the same with a phone call or any other reason you might need to leave a class. Just slip out quietly and you’ll be fine.
With this, I would also like to discuss attendance as well. If you are just leaving high school, then you’re used to having to in class and getting in trouble if you’re not. Then, your parents are called and all of that. I know every school is different especially depending on what part of the world you are in, but where I am from, that’s typically what happens. Although lecturers prefer for you to be in class, and it for sure is helpful grade-wise, you aren’t going to be hassled from your lecturer for not attending class. Your parents aren’t going to be called. It is just going to be a case of whether you come or not. Be warned. If you miss too many classes then you could be dropped out of the class. The same could go with being tardy. Depending on your lecturer, if you are late, you could be told to leave the class and just come back next time. This could result in being marked as tardy. Some lecturers just mark points off of your grade. At the end of the day, just attend class and do your best to be on time.
4. Group work, group work, and more group work
Group work isn’t necessarily something new, but I feel like it just escalates when you get to university. If you are not good at working with others, then university is the time you’re going to learn. I do understand the reasoning. University is the step before you’re going out into the official real world where you will be working with other people and having meetings, etc. You have no other choice but to make it work. If you don’t get those basic group work skills down, then how can you handle being in the corporate world? I know not everyone has plans on being in the corporate world, so you can take out the corporate job perspective and put any job in its place or anything that involves working with others. The matter still stands. Sometimes you never get used to it. I have no problem with people, but I’m very shy, so hearing the words “group work” gives me a heart attack every time. However, I still pulled through every time and so can you!
5. Resources will be all around you
I wanted to end this with an important note for you guys. Uni isn’t going to seem like a walk in the park, especially as you go further into your studies, but there will be plenty of resources around for you…use them. No one is going to force you to go to your advisor for help on what you need to do in order to pursue your career. No one is going to shove resources down your throat and make you use them. You’re in an entirely new world now and having 100% responsibility can be scary. Don’t let that fear hold you back from using everything that’s being given to you, especially if it’s free (sort of). I didn’t use all my resources and I wish that I did. Use your time in college wisely and remember to make the best of it.
Like I’ve mentioned before, not everyone’s university experience will be the same, but this is just the overall gist of what to possibly expect. I want to congratulate any college freshmen that are reading this, and I hope you all have an amazing experience.
About the author
Deandra is a blogger, podcaster, and owner of The Black Princess Diaries. If you’d like to keep up with her, then you can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and subscribe to her blog.
Nice post. They are things I’m learning too. Especially the part of being a master walker. It’s really no joke at all.
thank you so much for this gal, i confirmed my uni place on thursday and now i can’t wait to go but I have a lot of prep left! thank you so much for the advice x
mills 🙂
Your points are so true! I have so many free t-shirts because of some random school events, and I could definitely call myself a master walker with all the treks up and down stairs I made haha. Great post!
Haha, I can totally relate to the walking part, sooo much walking from one faculty building to another! And long corridors, such long corridors… A thing I hated the most about Uni was all that group work. Which is funny, because I’m fine working as part of a team but somehow in Uni it never went like it would in actual work life.
Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog
Brilliant post!! I had so many t-shirts at uni!
Relateable post