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Being creative and having a career are often thought of as two separate things, but the truth is that they can easily be brought together, and a lot more successfully than a lot of people tend to assume. If you are keen to try and turn your creativity into a career, there are certainly some challenges that you’ll have to get through, many of them related to your own internal blockages. Let’s look at some of these and discuss the necessary steps to turn your creativity into a career you will love.
Overcome Your Doubt
One of the main things you’ll need to do, and you might need to do this again and again, is to overcome your doubt about this stuff being possible. For various reasons, we all take on ideas to do with creativity not being something you can earn money from, and when you have those ideas it can be enormously difficult to break through them. But break through them you must, if you hope to be creative in your career. The truth is that it is perfectly possible to make money with your creativity, so it’s just something you have to pursue with all your vigor.
Consider Some Training
Often, you will find it is useful to get some training or further education in the field that you practice, or in a closely related field. This can make it easier to find work in that area later on, but most importantly it instills you with a lot more confidence and more of the necessary skills that you need in order for your creativity to shine. Try to find a course which is as specific to your creative pursuits as possible – whether it’s a music production degree, a creative writing course, or whatever else appeals to you most.
Find Your Niche
It is definitely important that you are able to find a niche that you can get deeply into, because that is one of the major ways in which you can ensure you are going to make this as lucrative as possible. Your niche needs to be something you really enjoy, but which you are also going to be able to turn into a career. Often, much of the hard work is all about actually managing to find that narrow gap, and it can take you a long time to do so. Nonetheless, it’s possible, and you should remember that well if you are keen to succeed here.
Be Creative
Finally, it might be obvious, but you need to be creative if you are going to turn your creativity into a fully fledged career. That means not just practicing the creativity that you are used to as part of your practice, but also applying your creative thinking to everything else that you do as part of your career. The more fully you do that, the better off you will ultimately be, so this is something you should certainly make sure that you are thinking about from time to time.
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