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AD | When you’re purchasing jewelry, you don’t always have to use a precious metal. You can be a bit more eco-friendly by using things that are more environmentally conscious. You’ll have nice-looking jewelry without wasting resources. Here are some reasons to get eco-friendly jewelry.
Better for the Environment
While we love to have iced-out watches, earrings, and other accessories, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s great for the Earth. Having eco-friendly jewelry makes you feel less guilty because you aren’t taking up valuable resources from the planet. Jewelry mining rips into the soil, and toxic elements get trapped in there.
Not to mention, the hazardous gas and other impurities can spread elsewhere. Having fashion jewelry made out of recyclable elements is much better for the Earth. Also, they can be recycled again even when thrown away. It’s a better process because you won’t turn the soil into a waste dump.
You’ll still look good without sacrificing the Earth’s finite resources. It’s a better alternative for all parties involved.

More Design Variety
When you’re using a precious stone that’s dug up, chances are you’ll have a limited amount to use. On the other hand, using a recyclable jewel can give you more creativity. You have reused stones, so you have a better chance of creating something completely new.
You can polish and cut them in new ways to create something not seen daily. You can create an assortment of shapes and sizes depending on your preference. Also, nothing goes to waste.
You can have something more budget-friendly rather than buy an expensive rock that could leave you in debt. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about a professional cleaning your jewelry, which can get costly. If you lose it, it won’t be a financial burden.
You can always replace it without worrying about insurance and other things that could be a hassle.

Get a Custom Design With No Health Risks
You may be allergic to gold or other metals that could leave a rash on your skin. With recyclable jewelry, you can pick something better for your skin. It’ll be a better way to rock something without thinking about how it’ll harm your body.
Additionally, working with environmentally friendly jewelry is more malleable. You won’t have to worry about it being too tight or piercing your skin.
Having eco-friendly jewelry is not only better for the environment, but it helps you save money as well.
Eco-friendly jewellery is definitely the best kind! I mainly shop at Shop Honu but love the idea of custom designs x
I love this! I never really thought about sustainable jewellery before so this is a great reminder x
Love this post! I never thought that of course jewelry too can be sustainable. Will definitely look more into this idea. Thank you for sharing xx