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House-hunting can be an inexact science; you never quite know what surprises await when purchasing property, until strange odors start wafting through walls and vents. Odorous gasses can be infuriatingly familiar to many homeowners; if your home appears to have any of the top 10 offensive scents listed here, perhaps now is the time for action! With some detective work you could discover their source and eventually banish those foul aromas!

Photo by Felice Wölke on Unsplash
Cat Urine
Cat urine can be one of the worst smells imaginable, lingering in carpets and furniture for years after invading homes. To rid your home of its scent quickly and permanently, replacing affected items or installing an air purifier may help eliminate its presence more rapidly.
Damp Mustiness
Mold can quickly form in damp areas, leading to unpleasant and unhealthy musty odors that can become both offensive and unhealthy. To address the source of moisture issues – otherwise it will come back. Ensure any damp areas such as basements have proper ventilation; professional services may be needed in some instances to remedy the situation if necessary – otherwise the issue will likely keep coming back!
Cigarette Smoke
Even if no longer smoking occurs in your home, secondhand smoke may linger from years ago. Fumigation may be necessary if it involves an old stain, while air purifiers and regular cleaning should help to lessen any noticeable smells.
Fishy Smells
Fishy smells can often be traced back to stagnant water in drains or air conditioning units. Locating and clearing away all sources of standing water – call in a plumber if necessary! Blocked drains could also be contributing, which are easy to unclog by using a plunger.
Pet Odors
While pets bring joy into many households, their scent can sometimes be unpleasant. Regular vacuuming and steam cleaning of carpets is crucial in freshening up pet odors while using enzymatic cleaners or baking soda can help reduce them further.
Sewer Gasses
Fumes from your sewer may indicate a blocked line, prompting the need for professional assistance to identify and solve any plumbing issues quickly and effectively. An experienced plumber should be able to quickly pinpoint and address any concerns within minutes.
Stale Cooking Odors
Are the smell of expired items taking over your kitchen, making it seem more like a restaurant than home? Cleaning regularly will help reduce their scent. Just be sure to throw away any expired goods!
Mildew can be difficult to eradicate in damp climates. Installing dehumidifiers and/or fans will help lower humidity levels and decrease moisture accumulation in order to help stop mildew reoccurring.
Oil Odors
Odors associated with gasoline often stem from leaks or spills that have gone undetected for some time. If this seems to be the case in your situation, it would be wise to contact a professional immediately so they can inspect and repair any gas-leaking pipes or tanks before it becomes an urgent problem!
Overly Fragrant Air Fresheners
If your home smells like a florist shop, chances are it’s because you have too many air fresheners! Try natural scents such as fresh flowers and citrus fruits instead to give your space a pleasant aroma.
No one deserves to live with unpleasant odors in their home, and if any of these top 10 foul odors is bothering you, take steps immediately! With some detective work and careful observation, identifying and eliminating its source should help remove all those foul fragrances!
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